100 Rain Quotes For Rainy Time

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 Rainy time is absolutely the best time to enjoy a beautiful and happy life. During the rainy season, everything looks fresh and clean.

Rain brings joy and happiness to our lives. It brings us instant joy because we love its sounds, as it help us to fall asleep and relax.

We enjoy the rain when we stay indoors and listen to the drops. Amazing one! It sounds like a pleasant white noise. 

Don't just stay indoors alone and listen to the raindrops. Let people and your loved ones know that you are happy to see the rain by sending these rain quotes to them or to post on social media.

Rainy Quotes For Rainy Days

⦁  Amazing one! It's rainy again.

⦁  There’s always a rainbow at the end of every rain. - Prince

⦁  The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house. All that cold, cold, wet day. - Dr. Seuss

⦁  You don't save a pitcher for tomorrow. Tomorrow it may rain. - Leo Durocher

⦁  Rainy days are perfect for a cozy blanket, a cup of tea, and the warmth of your love.

⦁  Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. - Roger Miller

⦁  Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. - John Ruskin

⦁  Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. - Ashley Smith

⦁  A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods. - Rachel Carson

⦁  The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling. - Lucretius

⦁  The rain began again. It fell heavily, easily, with no meaning or intention but the fulfillment of its own nature, which was to fall and fall. - Helen Garner

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Rain in the Morning Quotes

⦁  Morning rain is like a fresh day with new life clean weather. 

⦁  The beauty of morning rain is the promise of renewal and growth.

⦁  Morning rain is a gentle reminder to take things slow and enjoy the moment.

⦁  Rain in the morning is like nature's way of saying 'good morning.'

⦁  Morning rain has a way of making everything fresh and feel more calm.

⦁  There is joy in starting the day with a gentle morning rain.

⦁  Rain in the morning is like a soft whisper from the sky.

⦁  A rainy morning is the perfect time for a cup of tea and a good book.

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Evening Rain Quotes

⦁  I love evening rain. It prepares gentle sleep for the night.

⦁  Some evening rain falls until night comes.

⦁  Your morning can be so stressful. An evening rain brings a refreshing end to it.

⦁  The sun cools down from shining when there is evening rain. 

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Rain Night Quotes

⦁  I woke to the sound of rain. - Sylvia Plath

⦁  The rain will stop, the night will end, the hurt will fade. Hope is never so lost that it can’t be found. - Ernest Hemingway

⦁  Don’t be sad! Because God sends hope in the most desperate moments. Don’t forget, the heaviest rain comes out of the darkest clouds. - Rumi

⦁  The only thing better than a rainy day is a rainy night. Especially on a weekend.

⦁  The city under rain looked like an impressionist painting, all blurred lines and shimmering lights.  -  Lisa Kleypas

⦁  The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night. And I love the rain. - Langston Hughes

Rain Quotes For Instagram Post and Captions

⦁  May the rain wash away all your yesterday pain. 

⦁  I love to dance inside the rain.

⦁  Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul. - Emily Logan Decens

⦁  The sound of rain is my favorite lullaby.

⦁  The sound of the rain needs no translation. - Alan Watts

⦁  Raindrops and teardrops are all almost the same.

⦁  Rain is not only drops of water. It’s the love of sky for the earth.

⦁  The rain speaks in whispers.

⦁  Rain please come.

⦁  Let's Listen to the rain.

⦁  I find peace and joy in today's rain

⦁  Keep calm and love rainy days.

⦁  When it's raining, it's only me, coffee, and the raindrops. 

Rain Love Quotes

⦁  Rain is the language of love. - Mehmet Murat Ildan

⦁  If your love for rain exists even when you are completely wet in a cold weather, then your love for rain is real! - Mehmet Murat Ildan

⦁  Together, let’s dance in the rain and celebrate our love.

⦁  Kissing the rain is the most beautiful way to get wet.

⦁  Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet. - Bob Marley

⦁  Rain makes everything beautiful, from the flowers in the fields to the love in our hearts.

⦁  I fell in love with you the way rain falls: softly, but everything in its path swells.

⦁  I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying. - Charlie Chaplin

⦁  I love the smell of rain, and I love the sound of the ocean waves. - Amy Purdy

⦁  I love the rain. I want the feeling of it on my face. - Katherine Mansfield

⦁  You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That's a part of it. - Denzel Washington

⦁  Love like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy. - Paulo Coelho

⦁  In the rain, love becomes poetic, the sound of drops whispering sweet nothings.

⦁  The best kind of love is the one that makes you see the beauty in the rain.

Romantic Rain Love Quotes or Message For Him or Her

⦁  Rain is as romantic as roses, and as easily overdone. - Cynthia Barnett

⦁  Whenever it rains, I think of you.

⦁  It's my pleasure to dance with you inside the rain.

⦁  Kiss me with rain on your eyelashes, come on, let us sway together, under the trees, and to hell with thunder. - Edwin Morgan

⦁  Kissing you in the rain makes me love the rain more and more.

⦁  Don't threaten me with love, baby. Let's just go walking in the rain. - Billie Holiday

⦁  You’re my umbrella in the storm and my sunshine after the rain.

⦁  Our love story is written in the raindrops.

Short Rain Quotes

⦁  I've always found the rain very calming. - Venus Williams

⦁  The rain begins with a single drop. - Manal al-Sharif

⦁  I am like the rain: I go where I'm needed. - Alejandro Jodorowsky

⦁  It can’t rain all the time. - James O'Barr

⦁  The rain falls because the sky can no longer handle its weight.

⦁  Without rain, there would be no life. - John Updike

⦁  If you think it's going to rain, it will. - Clint Eastwood

⦁  Those who hate rain hate life. - Dejan Stojanovic

⦁  No Rain, No Flowers' is an inside look into my journey of healing and growth. - Sabrina Claudio

Cute Rain Quotes

⦁  The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. - Dolly Parton

⦁  The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

⦁  Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life. - John Updike

⦁  The sun after the rain is much more beautiful than the sun before the rain. – Mehmet Murat Ildan

⦁  If your love for rain exists even when you are completely wet in a cold weather, then your love for rain is real! - Mehmet Murat ildan

⦁  Greet the sun every morning as though it’s your best friend. Dance in the rain as though you are dancing with a lover. - Sara Strain

⦁  The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval wood, and the sound of outer ocean on a beach. - Henry Beston

⦁  Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain. - Vivian Greene

⦁  The rain to the wind said, You push and I’ll pelt.’ They so smote the garden bed That the flowers actually knelt, And lay lodged–though not dead. I know how the flowers felt. ― Robert Frost

⦁  On the fifth day, which was a Sunday, it rained very hard. I like it when it rains hard. It sounds like white noise everywhere, which is like silence but not empty.― Mark Haddon, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Happy Rain Quotes

⦁  I've always found the rain very calming. - Venus Williams

⦁  Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul. - Emily Logan Decens

⦁  Tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams. - Hosea Ballou

⦁  Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book. - Bill Watterson

⦁  Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. - Langston Hughes

⦁  The rain began again. It fell heavily, easily, with no meaning or intention but the fulfillment of its own nature, which was to fall and fall. - Helen Garner

⦁  Singing in the rain. I'm singing in the rain. And it's such a fucking glorious feeling. - David Levithan

⦁  After the rain, the sun will reappear. There is life. After the pain, the joy will still be here. - Walt Disney

⦁  This morning's scene is good and fine, Long rain has not harmed the land. - Du Fu

⦁  I believe in running through the rain and crashing into the person you love and having your lips bleed on each other. - Billy Bob Thornton

Funny Rain Quotes

⦁  Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book. - Bill Watterson

⦁  Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards. - Vladimir Nabokov

⦁  There are three things you can do in a baseball game. You can win, or you can lose, or it can rain. - Casey Stengel

⦁  Tears fall in my heart like the rain on the town. - Paul Verlaine

⦁  If man doesn't learn to treat the oceans and the rain forest with respect, man will become extinct. - Peter Benchley

⦁  If I had a rain prayer or a rain dance I could do, I would do it. - Tom Vilsack

⦁  The summer sun was not meant for boys like me. Boys like me belonged to the rain. - Benjamin Alire Sáenz

⦁  There will be a rain dance Friday night, weather permitting! - George Carlin

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